Mission: Educating and training people all over the world, about the importance of physical fitness without paying tons of money on gym membership fees. NGF specializes in motivation. Motivating individuals to commit to thier fitness goals online and in person. NGF teaches low to moderate impact training. NGF also teaches, how the environment provides everything you need to reach your fitness goals.

"Get fit and Stay fit for Life"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Emphasize your Incline Posture

Using correct posture is very important when walking up an incline.

Walking up an incline may feel a bit robotic but if you are really emphasizing good posture you should be able to feel which muscles are being worked. Incline posture includes:
1. keeping the abdomen tight
2. have full extension of the back leg
3. the lead leg (the one in front, should be at a 90 degree angle)
4. arms should mimic a runners form
5. The head should be up right and looking straight ahead, (not down like in the picture above)
6. The back should be straight and slightly forward.

Practice makes perfect. Try this several times when adding inclines to your walk. It will eventually become a habit and you will look like a pro, like the picture above!

"Get fit and Stay fit for Life."

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