Mission: Educating and training people all over the world, about the importance of physical fitness without paying tons of money on gym membership fees. NGF specializes in motivation. Motivating individuals to commit to thier fitness goals online and in person. NGF teaches low to moderate impact training. NGF also teaches, how the environment provides everything you need to reach your fitness goals.

"Get fit and Stay fit for Life"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our Goal-No Gyms Fitness

No Gyms Fitness (NGF) founded in 2006 by a husband and wife personal trainer and fitness coach team. The founder and CEO of NGF, Marria Darden and husband Anthony Bell president. NGF began training kids for multiple sports: track and field, soccer, football, basketball and tennis athletes at a local community college.

No Gym Fitness will provide you with the best knowledgeable advice about the misconception people have about working out outside. NGF will also provide you with the best training locations, exercises, nutrition and health tips from our well trained personal trainers. NGF is a proud advocate of getting kids and teens involved in fitness. NGF will explain the benefits of working out outside vs. paying for outrageous membership fees and amenities.

No Gyms Fitness encourages everyone to "Get fit and stay fit for life."

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